Extra-curricular opportunities
Curriculum Enrichment
Trowse Primary goes beyond the expected, so that pupils have access to a wide, rich set of experiences. In the last year we have had M&M Productions touring theatre come into school with their performance of Aladdin. The children were spellbound at the performance- a magical moment in school.
Following this we had a visitor into Y1 as a ‘living history’ visitor, in character, for their topic of ‘The Great Fire of London’. Again, a wonderful immersive learning experience for them.
Our reception children went to see ‘The Gruffalo’ at the theatre and all of KS2 children went to see ‘Great Women That Changed the World’. This led on to further work for the children as well as just being a great message and a great production for them to see! Such a good production for promoting equality and diversity.
Year 5 & 6 went out on a Geography field trip to learn fieldwork skills in Trowse and Whitlingham.
So far this term we have taken out lots of children for sporting events too. Cross country (twice), tag rugby girls football. After Christmas KS2 children will go swimming to Riverside.
As I am writing this (Nov 22) rehearsals for our Christmas productions are taking shape. Every year group will be doing something, these are big personal growth experiences for the children! Receptions are learning some songs and they will have a crafts afternoon with their adults before singing for them. Years 1 & 2 are putting on a full nativity and KS2 are doing a Christmas variety show.
We will also be hosting our famous Trowse has got Talent event in the last week before Christmas and of course of fabulous FOTS will be running the Elf Workshop.
Assemblies on a Friday celebrate not only in school achievements but out of school achievements too. Children who have their next swimming certificate, gymnastics level, a Blue Peter badge- you name it, we celebrate it! Not only does it help that child feel proud, but gives ideas to the whole school community on what they might want to do out of school too.
Finally, we do celebrate national days or weeks and support charities too. We recognise anti- bullying week, wear ‘odd socks’ to celebrate individuality and raise money for Children in Need with a non-uniform day.