Personal Development
Our Intent
At Trowse Primary School, we strive for our children to develop into confident individuals, successful learners and responsible global citizens who are ready to contribute positively to their communities and the wider world.
With this in mind, we have developed ways to ensure our personal development provision offers every child high quality opportunities to enhance their education and, ultimately, their future.
We recognise that personal development for our children should be in partnership with their academic development which is why we are so proud of our International Primary Curriculum and International Early Years Curriculum. The IPC and IEYC include Personal Goals which are sequential in development of expectation from the EYFS through to Year 6. These are: adaptable, empathise, collaborate, communicate, thinker, resilient, respectful and ethical. At Trowse, we believe that these underpin the individual qualities and learning dispositions that the responsible citizens of the future will need in order to thrive in a demanding global society.
More than just having words on a page, these Personal Goals are developed into a progression document. Being adaptable in year 1 is different to being adaptable in Year 6. The document at the bottom of the page (downloadable) details this progression in personal qualities.
1. Provision for children’s broader development, enabling them to develop and discover their interests and talents
Whole School |
Individual/Class based etc. |
Bandwagon 4Ward Sport – dance Brainwave units in IPC Christmas Performances ‘Trowse has Got Talent’ Christmas Show School Council After school clubs Visitors Theatre groups into school (Christmas) Gardening – growing food and plants |
Skiing Sailing Show and Tell Cooking/Baking Ocarinas Samba Ukuleles First Aid |
2. Provision for children to develop their character – including their resilience, confidence and independence
Whole School |
Individual/Class based etc. |
Personal Goals Sports Clubs/competitions Life Skills – fastening shoelaces, road safety etc. Positivity and praise – Star of the Week, Celebration Assembly, Flashbacks, Team points School Council/House Captains Nurture Sports day School fete
EYFS learn to change for PE at school Opportunities/Tasks set in lessons Open Ended Tasks to promote resilience Personal Coaching Behaviour Systems – making the right choices - Star of the Day Pupil Role Models – children sharing how they have achieved success School trips Key stage 2 residentials |
3. Mental Health and Well-Being
Whole School |
Individual/Class based etc. |
Nurture time if needed Trusted adults Out of school achievements celebrated in whole school assembly Relationships with Parents Conversations with children outside of the classroom e.g. playtimes/lunchtimes Headteacher greeting children at front gate at the start of the day Clear school ethos (Safe, Happy, Learn) Secure routines |
Wellbeing Survey in KS2 Birthdays recognised in class Brain Breaks/sensory support Knowing children’s families/interests/worries/concerns etc. Class novel/story time End of year awards for KS1 and KS2 |
4. Physical Development
Whole School |
Individual/Class based etc. |
Cluster PE coaching Physical development opportunities in breakfast and after school clubs. Daily Mile PE curriculum Representing the school in competitions Sports day Sponsored physical challenges (Run to Tokyo) |
Personal Hygiene Fine and Gross motor skills Healthy Lifestyles Gardening – grow fruit and vegetables Skiing Sailing |
5. Preparing children for each step in their education (transition into Reception, Reception to KS1, KS1 to KS2, Class to Class, Year 6 to High school)
Whole School |
Individual/Class based etc. |
Open Door Policy Nurture time if needed Children and staff have opportunities to meet during playtimes, lunchtimes. Move Up day - July Staff meeting time given to liaise about children Teachers and TAs liaise Information on Seesaw Welcome Meetings/school tours Parents’ Evenings – key info shared Newsletters/Website Transition packs for new starters Meet the Teacher meeting - September |
Home visits (prior to starting Reception) Links with Chapelfield Nursery Stay and Play sessions for new Intake Induction programme for children and parents prior to starting in the Reception class. Nurture/PSA/SENDCo support for children and families High School visits
6. Preparing children for life in modern Britain – promoting the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of children, and within this fundamental British values |
Whole School |
Individual/Class based etc. |
IPC and EYPC Democracy – vote for House Captains and School Council Access to other cultures through ‘International Goals’ Norfolk RSE curriculum Assemblies School Behaviour policy Anti - bullying Week Anti-bullying policy Promotion of equality and diversity Celebrating Pride Week Fundraising and donations made to local and international charities. British values displayed in child speak around school |
British sign language taught and displayed Celebrating festivals from range of faiths Cooking/food sampling from different cultures MFL curriculum Inter-faith and specific faith activities and speakers in school Yoga/Mindfulness 'Discovery RE' curriculum coverage of the major world religions. Children develop awareness of faiths, religious practices and beliefs. They learn to compare religions respectfully and empathetically and develop an awareness of their own beliefs too.
Name | |
Personal Learning Goals - IPC.pdf | Download |