Promoting excellent Behaviour
an Introduction
Trowse Primary School is a community of governors, teachers, support staff, parents, pupils and other adults. A community functions best if there is a mutual respect between all members and an agreed set of principles upon which decisions are made. We aim to provide a safe and happy environment in which our pupils will thrive and make good progress academically, creatively, physically, socially and morally. We have a duty therefore to promote good behaviour and discipline in our school.
The children at Trowse are expected to be polite, considerate and thoughtful. They are required to conduct themselves in a calm and sensible manner in all areas of school building. All children in class must contribute to an atmosphere which allows careful thought and concentration on the specified task.
We believe that good behaviour is only achieved by making reasonable demands on children. They need to see that expectations are reasonable. Measures can only be applied in an atmosphere of understanding that promotes courtesy, thoughtfulness and helpfulness.
In summary, we believe acceptable patterns of behaviour and good work habits will flourish in a firm, fair and friendly school.
Overall Aims
The aim is to create an environment conducive to meeting the vision for the school. This being:
- Successful Learners
- Confident individuals
- Responsible citizens
Behaviour Principles
- Positive behaviours are built on positive relationships. Adults must build positive relationships, talk to children and genuinely get to know them.
- We all have rights, but with these rights come responsibilities.
- Have a whole school approach. There must be a whole school approach to pupil discipline to ensure consistency. This will include clarity on rewards and sanctions. All staff need to operate to the same expectations.
- Expect the best from everyone. Excellent conduct in school will come from having high expectations of behaviour from all pupils. Schools succeed where they set good habits of learning early with high expectation of cooperative behaviour from the start.
- Adults must be excellent role models to pupils in the way they treat other adults and children.
- Pupils have a voice. We will involve pupils in the creation and annual review of ‘class rules’.
- Ensure structure and routine. Behaviour will be best where we minimise uncertainty and disruption in lessons, be that staffing or timetabling.
- Providing a calm and purposeful school environment is conducive to ‘on-task’ behaviour
- Reward the positive. Adults need to make positive recognition of individual pupils or group achievements in good and improved behaviour.
- Intervening promptly where there is poor behaviour makes it is clear that it will not be tolerated. If staff do deal with poor behaviour choices, it will ideally be dealt with discretely so as to not humiliate. Criticism should focus on the behaviour not the child.
- Poor behaviour is often an indication of an unmet need. Adults must attempt to identify and address any underlying causes of poor behaviour.
- Use a restorative approach. Ensure that pupils are given opportunities, and indeed are expected, to put things right. E.g. apologise
- Parents and carers must be involved. We will communicate policy and expectations and ensure their support through a home school agreement. We will also work to create a positive partnership with parents to encourage their support when dealing with the difficult issue of unacceptable behaviour.
- If required, involve professionals beyond the class as appropriate to support all pupils to the best of our ability, be that our own nurture staff or from wider professionals.
Rights and Responsibilities
The policy will based on the fact that everyone in the school has rights as well as responsibilities. In consultation with parents, staff and children the following list is our agreed rights and responsibilities.
We have the RIGHT to: We have a RESPONSIBILITY to:
Be able to learn Always do our best
Be treated fairly Treat others fairly
Be listened to Listen to others
Be kept safe Behave in a safe way
Be spoken to politely Be polite to others
Whole School Code of Conduct
Our code of conduct is deliberately positive to promote good self-discipline among our pupils and to deter undesirable behaviour. The code of conduct should be displayed in all classes, alongside the specific class rules decided at the start of the year.
- Be polite to each other and all adults in school.
- Respond quickly to requests and instructions.
- Complete all learning tasks to the best of your ability.
- Respect school and other people’s property.
- Move around the school building and grounds quietly and safely.
The full behaviour policy is in the 'Policies' section of the website.