Trowse Primary School

Be Safe, Be Happy, Learn!

Pepperpot Drive, Norwich, Norfolk NR14 8TU


OFSTED Reports

You can view or download our most recent Ofsted Report by clicking on the file below. Or you can CLICK HERE to go to the Ofsted website.


Below are the 'Summary of Key Findings' from the last full school inspection report

  • Pupils make outstanding progress during their time at the school. Attainment in all subjects at both Key Stages 1 and 2 has been significantly above national averages for the last five years.
  • Standards in writing and mathematics were significantly above average at the end of Year 6 in 2013. Standards in reading were slightly weaker but well above average.
  • The quality of teaching is outstanding overall. Teachers have a deep knowledge of the individuals in their care and are relentless in challenging them to do better
  • Pupils have extremely positive attitudes to learning. They know that they are in school to learn and that the school works effectively to improve their skills.
  • Pupils’ behaviour and respect for others is outstanding. Pupils respond quickly and positively to the school’s high expectations.
  • Pupils feel extremely safe. The entire school community watch out for each other. Parents agree that their children are very safe.
  • The headteacher provides highly effective leadership which is driving the school forward.
  • Senior leaders, staff and governors work effectively together to ensure that achievement and the quality of teaching and learning remain consistently high.
  • Subject leaders have well-defined roles and are successful in ensuring high standards through their monitoring.
  • Governors provide outstanding levels of support and challenge. They work with great determination to make sure that the school continues to improve.
  • Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is extremely well promoted.
  • The range of subjects on offer and the stimulating ways in which they are taught ensure that pupils are fully stretched.
  • The school has maintained its high standards since its previous inspection showing it has outstanding capacity for sustained improvement.

There has also been a monitoring report for the subject of Geography in February 2020. This report can be found on the OFSTED website too by searching for our school name. 

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