Trowse Primary School

Be Safe, Be Happy, Learn!

Pepperpot Drive, Norwich, Norfolk NR14 8TU



School unIform is worn to support three aims.

  • promoting the ethos of a school
  • providing a sense of belonging and identity
  • setting an appropriate tone for education

All Uniform is available from STEVENSONS, 67 Ber Street, Norwich, NR1 3AD  Tel : 01603-622355

Stevensons Offer not only the shop to visit, but also a telephone and website ordering service too. 


We also have a 'new to you' OPTION whereby families can donate good condition second hand uniform so that others can benefit from being able to purchase perfectly good items at very cheap prices. For information on availability, please phone the school office. 

We keep the number of branded items to a minimum to help with the cost of living for everyone. Below is the uniform requirements for the school showing where it is a branded item or not in brackets

  • Royal blue sweatshirt with school logo (required from our uniform providers)
  • Royal blue polo shirt with logo (required from our uniform providers)
  • Black/grey skirt or pinafore dress (generic from any provider, including supermarkets)
  • Black/grey trousers (generic from any provider, including supermarkets)
  • Sensible, flat heeled, black shoes (polishable, not trainers) (generic from any provider, including supermarkets)



  • Royal blue polo shirt with school logo (required from our uniform providers)
  • Black or grey tailored shorts (generic from any provider, including supermarkets)
  • Royal blue and white cotton dress (generic from any provider, including supermarkets)
  • Flat lightweight footwear (covering heels and toes) (generic from any provider, including supermarkets)

 We request that all children attend school with a suitable coat and footwear for the weather conditions. Suitable clothing is important, often teachers access the curriculum not just from the classroom but take the children outside as well, likewise the children enjoy being outside at play times and lunchtimes as long as they are appropriately dressed.


P.E. Kit

  • Trowse PE top with house coloured sleeves (required from our uniform providers)
  • Plain black P.E. shorts (generic from any provider, including supermarkets)
  • Plimsolls for indoor use (generic from any provider, including supermarkets)
  • Trainers for outdoor use (generic from any provider, including supermarkets)

 We also advise a well fitting mouth guard  for KS2 rugby and hockey.

For very cold weather, a track suit or extra sweatshirt may be worn over the top of PE kit for outdoor PE lessons. This should not be their uniform sweatshirt they have been wearing all day, but a change of sweatshirt- plain blue or black (generic from any provider, including supermarkets).